Tuesday 8 April 2014


The images below show that the website is responsive on a Mac, PC, iPad and iPhone.


From this bit of coding that makes the website responsive, the audience can use the actual site on-the-go from their phones or iPads. Even when they are home they can use the PC or Mac. It also shows that the coding can help with the changing of size and design layout on whatever device is being used. 

Tuesday 1 April 2014


The first image is of the homepage, and what the users firsts sees is a large image of the riverside at Kingston along with the "K-GO" logo in a faded white, simple font. This tells the viewer what the website and the bar at the top has all relevant pages for the user to look around the website. Also, the font is simple and in a teal like the bar at the top, and this is seen throughout the website. And I like at how we placed the teal against the white, keeping it simple and minimalistic. 

Another page on the website is the 'about' page. Here the layout has changed slightly but not too much, as the user knows that all pages interlink with each other on design and navigation. There is a teal bar at the top with the "K-GO" logo in it and underneath are the page names again in the teal colour and simple font. From this it keeps the branding all together for the website. Also, on this page we describe as group why we created the page and that we hope it is useful for the users, making it personal. Again the text is in a simple, black font making it easier on the users eyes and almost reinforces that the information is given straight away.

Again, the pages of 'entertainment' and 'history',have had the same teal bar and "K-GO" as the other pages to keep with the branding of the site. Also, on these pages there are images of the things you can do, making it visual engages the user more and they are more intrigued to look at what there is too. 

Monday 31 March 2014


From the previous comments of the presentation and during the time of making the website live on the internet, there were a few further changes in the layout and style of the website.
Firstly, the colour of a teal was kept the same but the style of the font and the placing of it had to change. The original layout didn't sit right on the web page, so there had to be a few adjustments. The name of the pages had to lay under the banner with the logo, as in the previous design it was in the actual bar and the white text couldn't be seen well. So it changed to be under the bar, in the teal colour and in the simple ariel font, so it is readable. 

The image above, shows the "about" page on the website, and it shows at how making the style changes made the site look a lot cleaner and minimalistic for the audience to read. Also, the use of the simple font gives the information to the viewer straight away and gets to the point, while the layout still looks appealing. 

Thursday 20 March 2014


Link to Progress Presentation - 


As a group we had to present our progress of the website to fellow peers, and this allowed us to get feed back and improve the site further. Overall, the feedback was positive and many liked how the design side had changed over time, due to not looking right on the screen and just for personal reasons. Also, some like the actual concept of the website, as many felt that they didn't know what was in and around Kingston, so they felt that they can easily relate to it. 
Although, some did give pointers of development, some suggested to change the font just to make it more readable and easy on the eye. Also, some suggested that we test that the site is responsive on all mediums, and if not how could we fix it?
Overall, comments/feedback was ok, but there is more work to be done. 

Thursday 13 March 2014


Looking at the previous website homepage, personally I feel that it wasn't working and didn't look right when on the computer screen. So I decided to change the homepage, but keep with the logo and colour scheme previously used.

From the old design there was not much going on, on one page, and it became to busy and messy for the user to look at. So, keeping with blues/greens, I decided to use one large image of Kingston and cover it in lime green box, and reduce the opacity, so it creates a nice fade on the image.

Secondly, I wanted to keep the text/content as minimal and simple as possible, because as a group we wanted to give the information to the user right away and make it easy for them to use the site. However, I have done a number of different versions and as a group we still need to decide on a final design, but I feel that these versions of the homepage have improved from the beginning of designs. 

Saturday 1 March 2014


This is the final logo of the website. 

Looking at the previous logos I had designed, and the main focus of the website as a group we wanted to keep things simple and make it easy for the viewer to read. 
With the logo I decided to keep the text in a simple font as it gets straight to the point and tells the user exactly what this site is about. The name is "K-GO", which stands for Kingston Go, and shortening down the name further reaches the audience of male/female students as they all mostly use social media and they create a lot of abbreviations on the content they write. Also, the colour of the dark, mint green against the white text works well, as I feel the colour isn't to bright or dull, and plus it isn't gender set, so reaches a wider user-ship. Lastly, stated earlier on, the group still wanted the shape of an arrow within the site, so the use of the arrow in the logo allowed this. Even with the text and arrow the logo is kept simple, clean and easy to read, and keeping it minimal makes it more interesting for the user and would make them want to explore the site some more.